Google Assistant component installation/configuration

Hi all,

I having issues getting the Google Assistant component working on my installation. I’m running Home assistant on a Raspberry Pi 3B, and its a hassbian installation. The installation is using Dynamic DNS through No-IP, and have SSL enabled with let’s encrypt - Port 443 is exposed and accessible to the internet.

I followed all the steps on the component page (, but I get stuck on step 6 (Click the + sign, and near the bottom, you should have [test] your app name. Selecting that should lead you the screen where you can set rooms for your devices or nicknames for your devices.)

I can see my created app listed in Google Assistant app on IOS, but when I try and add it I just get a non-descriptive error of “Something went wrong - Please try again later”

Any suggestion to resolve this - It will certainly add some point to the Wife Acceptance Factor?

The simple answer is possibly to use the cloud component. What I’d do first though is try disabling WiFi on your phone and then try again - that’s worked for a few people.

I looked into the cloud component, but for some odd reason I can create an account, but not connect to it - It just stays in a connecting state.

Also, I prefer to have everything in my control and not rely on a cloud service. Makes life more difficult - guess I’m a bit of a control freak…

On the wifi/4G side of things - I have tried adding the app from Home wifi, same network as HA. Tried from the cellular network, tried from my work wifi, and also tried lastly from work wifi using a VPN into my home network. All yielded the same result of failure…

Removed everything and started from scratch - Still getting the same result… Anyone have an idea?

I tried connecting to HA cloud again - Still stuck at Cloud connection status…

My installation is reachable on port 443 from the internet, and SSL is configured with Lets Encrypt.

Running out of ideas…

Anyone experienced something similar?

If you’re using cloud you don’t need any inbound port.

I’d pop over to the Home Assistant Discord server and the #cloud channel, then report your issues there. That’ll get the attention of the devs, who can help track down the problem.

Seems to have run into a dead end on Discord too…

Anyone that can assist with the manual configuration of Google Assistant on hassbian?
I followed the steps on the component page - in the logs I do see this when adding the [test] app
[homeassistant.components.google_assistant.auth] user login in from Google Assistant
I says on the app account linked, but I get the standard error on the Google Assistant ios app after that - “Something went wrong. Try again”
logging is currently set to debug, but no further errors on the logs

I think I might be making headway in pin pointing the problem. On the Google Dashboard there are no API requests on Homegraph API… Not sure why not, but working on it…

Found this in my Google Project logs:
SYNC: Request ID 6203798795256908970 failed with code: BACKEND_FAILURE

Not sure what to make of it though…

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Finally got it sorted - Still not 100% sure what caused the issue. I deleted everything relating to google, including projects, api keys etc, and started from scratch. Worked like a charm…

Until a month ago it worked all but now I can not get it to work anymore.
I tried to create a new project and to follow the guide but I always get the non-descriptive error of “Something went wrong - Please try again later” when I try to add it in the Google home app (and in my Google Project logs:
SYNC: Request ID xxx failed with code: BACKEND_FAILURE).

@ekkesa Have you done any steps not included in the guide?


Yeah - I wacked everything and started from scratch.

That seemed to sort the problem, GA is working a charm now!