Google Assistant Local SDK - Local Fulfillment

Where do you see an inspect button? i use nabucasa


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Is not the inspect button only available for non-nabucasa integration?
I understood the inspect button was available for troubleshooting the javascript when setting using the Google Assistant Integration by creating a google cloud project then uploading the javascript file.

No idea, no clue how to troubleshoot it :frowning:

I gonna setup the non nabu casa again, but I saw a requirement that HA needs to run locally on http and not https… , Seems http is a requirement…

So how do you guys to that anyway? I guess you expose to internet on https? But how can it work if http is needed?

Http is needed localy and https is needed remotely.
You can use this configuration by using a Nginx proxy for example, which would allow you to listen on two ports: 8123 for non-https for local and, for example, 443 for https remote.
In this way you should be able to use Google Assistant local fulfillment with the non-nabucasa integration.

It should be easier with Nabu Casa but looks like it is not the case for you.

yeah, i have setup nginx now, so i can have http and https

but seems i have an issue with 2022.2.0 , the google assistant component now gives an 404 not found, so cant link the app again

if i go to :

i get 404 , while it should be 405

when i revert back to 2021.12.10 , everything works as expected?

ok, turned off NabuCasa , now setup local (manual) edition, ok

now i can have the “inspect devices”, when i click on it, i see below, what can be wrong?
because its still doesnt use the local SDK ?

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Hi, I just saw that local fulfillment in the changelog. So I decided to test it out.

I simply can’t follow the setup instruction. I can’t do the part where it tells me to upload an .js file to action. (see picture below)

  3. Upload this Javascript file for both Node and Chrome by clicking the Upload Javascript files button.

My actions page doesn’t have anything related to uploading, am I doing something wrong or, I just misunderstand the Local Fulfillment

i have it here , but still doesnt work for me

How do we determine if it is working? I followed the instructions, restarted my google home, and voice commands work per usual. So is there a way to know if it worked?

If you look at logbook , the command should include (local) , for me it doesnr

I’m having similar issues - set up everything correctly (as per instructions) but still se in the logs [homeassistant.components.http.auth] Authenticated for /api/google_assistant using bearer token when I issue a command.

I would expect it to not look like that, but troubleshooting this has been difficult. One thing I realized, and I’m not sure if this is correct, but I had to add zeroconf: to my configuration.yaml file. It’s the only way I could get _home-assistant._tcp to show up.

And is it now working for you? I already have that zeroconf added… Where do you see this btw? home-assistant._tcp ?

No, I haven’t been able to get mine to work either.

Regarding on where to see _home-assistant._tcp. On linux, provided you have the avahi tools installed, avahi-browse _home-assistant._tcp should show your instance on your network. On macos you can use dns-sd -B _home-assistant._tcp. That way you at least know that there’s something there for the google home to find and talk to.

Adding --resolve to the linux command will show you the IP, port, and some more info.


Hey, downloaded an mdsn browser, its being discoverd, as you can see below,

and that entry was already added on the actions site, so i think everything is already correct setup


@pergola.fabio Thank you for the response. I don’t seem to have “local” in the log book.

I am also seeing Home Assistant appear to be showing up correctly in with MDNS

Has anyone gotten this to work with 2022.2.X?

Can you give an overview of how you did this on NGINX?

? its an addon, just installed it, and pointed to my duckdns url, quite easy :slight_smile:
so you can access external using https and internal using http

Ok! So you didn’t do anything fancy, just the normal NGINX remote HA access. I did it, and now I do see the ‘inspect’ options! But I get the same errors you posted above…

For those of you using the Google Assistant integration, so NOT Nabu Casa

Name :  .*\._home-assistant\._tcp\.local

This removed some errors from my google cloud logs, seems a name is also required !

try filling in a “Name” field in

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