Google Assistant SDK: "Sorry I don't understand"

I’ve set up the new Google Assistant SDK, yet everytime I send something to one of my googles I get

“Sorry I don’t understand”

Yet when I look at the Activity in the google home app, everthing looks fine with the request.

Does anyone have this working successfully?


I do have the same problem

When I ask

Play Mickey mouse clubhouse from Disney plus on big bedroom display

I have the same problem. However if I ask for frozen it does work as expected. Both commands work if I talk to Google myself.

same here…

Anyone figure this out? I am trying to play some music and cannot get it to work…

I don’t use the SDK but is that not a known issue as per the integration page?

** Media playback commands (other than play news, play podcast, play white noise, or play rain sounds) don’t work.**

Yeah, just found that out. Darn it. I thought some automated music while in the bathroom would be very cool.