Google Calendar component 403 error

I’ve updated my config file to include my Google Calendar api info. From looking at the docs,it seems like that google_calendars.yaml should be automatically generated? When I added the info to the config.yaml file and rebooted HA, I was asked to verify and did so (tried it twice, resetting by deleting the token). Neither time was there a google_calendars.yaml file created. I wasn’t sure exactly what was supposed to be included into the file, so I added this:

- cal_id: [email protected] 
  - device_id: XXXXXgmailcom 
    name: marthafaye gmail
    track: true

- cal_id: [email protected]
  - device_id: events_for_Work
    name: Events for WORK
    track: true

I rebooted home assistant and got a 403 error. So I went to the developers console and activated the calendar API. Now everything works and the google_calendars.yaml is being generated. I’m wondering if the documentation is just unclear,or if I set this up incorrectly but it works? LOL