Google Cast component is crashing my

I’ve had issues for ages with crashing completely (can’t even SSH onto the host OS). I tried a new SD card and two new power supplies with no improvements.

Because of how completely the system crashed checking the logs prior to a crash wasn’t possible, but the only errors I was consistently getting were related to the Google Cast component. Out of desperation to figure this out I tried disabling Google Cast discovery and I haven’t had a crash since.

Can anyone think of why this may be the case? Any ideas how I might be able to fix it? Next things on my todo list of things to try is give every Google Cast device a static IP on my network and see if I can add them manually into Home Assistant, but any other ideas would be great!

take out the devices that you think crash the home-assistant, also don’t forget to take out from known_devices.yaml. Deleted your home assistant db. Then restart your ha.

I’ll give that a go, cheers. It turns out the Google Cast stuff was a red herring though. lasted longer but still died eventually and forced a manual power cycle :frowning:.