While trying to call this from one of my automations, I hear my Google Nest Mini play a sound that we hear before casting any audio. But nothing after that. It’s completely silent.
Here is how I’m trying to call Google Cloud say service.
- service: tts.google_cloud_say
entity_id: media_player.master_bedroom_speaker
message: "The Alarm has been triggered."
For me the problem remain,
the directive
base_url: https://public_facing_dns:8123
is not valid when launch the yaml check
i receive this error when launching the service
2024-10-06 15:28:06.016 ERROR (Thread-11) [homeassistant.components.cast.media_player] Failed to cast media https://MI-HA-PUBLIC-URL/api/tts_proxy/13613017b46ee3bf09c7c2c7712811e25d516872_it-it_a1ebb76e89_google_cloud.mp3 from internal_url (https://MI-HA-PUBLIC-URL). Please make sure the URL is: Reachable from the cast device and either a publicly resolvable hostname or an IP address