Google Home integration is not working

  service_account: !include /config/key.json
  project_id: my-Id
  expose_by_default: true
   light.Color temperature light 4
   light.Color temperature light 5
   light.Color temperature light 6
   light.Color temperature light 7
   light.Color temperature light 8

This is part of the Google Assistant relevant config. My system can be reached from outside via SSL. I don’t have a config error. I see my project in the Google Home app and I can also log in. Then Google won’t find my installed devices. I think it’s related to my config. Somehow I don’t quite understand it. I am grateful for any form of help.

I’m surprised you don’t have a config error because your config for exposed_domains appears to be incorrect:

Thaks for your Help!
How should it look like can you give me an example?

There’s an example in the link I posted