Google Nest integration

Well, I followed the step by step guide from the youtube video ( wich was very helpfull and I get to the point where I can click ‘link your account’ then nothing happens… it’s the second time i tried this from scratch and to no avail… don’t know what’s going wrong

I had the same issue.
A few weeks ago, after having issues with my Wifi router, I reset my Google Nest thermostats and HA would not accept them. I deleted the Integration and tried to re-install it, but I had the same issue as you.
It took me a couple of weeks to resolve it when I found out that the Application Credentials of the previous GN Integration were still in HA.

  • Go to Settings
  • Devices and Services
  • Top right 3 dots
  • Application Credentials
  • Remove the Google Nest credentials
  • Redo the installation process
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Hey thanks for the reply,
there is only one credential made in this settings menu. The one I created just now. The other one never got thru i suppose.

delete it and try again

But it is nowhere to be found in my applications in HA
Do i need to add it in some way or should it do that automaticly?

I think i’m always bouncing of the wall where the pub/sub adress needs to be provided, something that is not explained in the youtube video. I’ve tried different things i read on the internet, made service accounts… I don’t know it anymore. Don’t know what adress to put in there, i know it needs the Pub/Sub publisher rights, but does it need to be pull/push? or something else I don’t get it

I know… It is awfully complicated and I had to redo it several times.
Make sure to follow steps exactly as described and remember the name given at the very beginning.
Once completed the Integration shows by itself.

p.s. groetjes vanuit Miami.

I finally got it working… just need to figure out now how to use the app over 4g, now only works on wifi connection.
thanks for the assistance my friend… also dutch? Haha, what are the odds… Are you from Holland or Belgium?

Groetjes uit Leopoldsburg, België

Happy to hear. Google does not make it easy but at least it is possible, unlike some other companies like Chamberlain/MyQ and others.
What do you mean with 4G / Wifi ?
I am originally from Rotterdam but in the US for 25 years.