Google sheets isn't linking to HA anymore

Hello, my Google sheets integration was running without any problems. Then my SD card corrupted and I was forced to reinstall HA on my Raspberry 3b. Unfortunately my last backup was before I integrated Google sheets. So I tried relinking it. I entered my credentials again and allowed access to my Google account. After pressing “link account” I got directed back to my HA integrations as usual. But this time the Google sheets notification won’t stop spinning for 3-5 mins until an error notification pops up, without further more information in it. I looked up the HA logs but found nothing there too.

Things I have done so far:
-Deleted credentials in HA and reentered them
-opened new project in my Google cloud an tried to link that
-retried both steps over an period of 3 days

I have no clue what I’m doing wrong…