Google wifi, remote access to enable full schlage Google home integration

I can’t be content with my setup and am debating on making some changes and need you guys to talk some sense into me.

New to HA but over the last month was able to add my z-wave, ZigBee, and wifi devices. Was able to port forward and use duckdns to setup remote access through port 8123. When trying to use the instructions by Juan tech for port 443, it wouldn’t work. Set up a hacs integration for my meross garage door openers to work over lan and not wifi.

Was also able to get some Google home integration w/ha but my schlage z-wave lock and my meross_lan (I cut off wifi for more security) aren’t playing nice with Google assistant. Also, I’m cheap and don’t want to pay $5/month for nabu casa.

I’ve heard that you can make a virtual switch w/smart things and then link my garage and schlage connect lock to that so it will show up in Google assistant. Unfortunately, that requires port 443 to be open which I was unable to achieve.

Is there any other create a virtual switch that I can tie to my garage doors and schlage lock so it works w/Google home/assistant?

If not, does anyone have a clearcut way to open port 443 w/Google wifi as well as have local access?

Just want to make this easy for the wife and kids to use. Thanks for your time.

Do you know why you are unable to open port 443? Is your ISP blocking it?

If it’s just a switch with on/off capabilities you need, perhaps you could create an input_boolean and then make an automation in HA for it. For example, input_boolean_garage could open the garage when it changes to ‘on’. I know that input_booleans can be exposed to Google Assistant.

Thanks for this. Do you have a good resource to use input booleans?

Also, when I used, looks like 443 is closed.

I have Verizon FiOS and use Google wifi.

Right now I have remote access working with port 8123 working well.

If I try to port forward w/my ha ip in Google wifi, I’ll set my internal and external port to 443 like I did for my 8123 rule using tcp/udp. Unfortunately, it doesn’t show it as open.

Do I contact FiOS then? I called earlier and the guy had no idea what I was talking about.

It’s possible that ports 80 and 443 are blocked by the ISP. My ISP does this and it is quite annoying. I would have to upgrade to a business plan to have them unblocked - of course that is more expensive.

The documentation for input_boolean is here:

I define them in configuration.yaml. For example:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    name: Garage Door Switch
    icon: mdi:garage

Here, garage_door is the name of the input boolean. It would show up in Home Assistant as input_boolean.garage_door. Then you would need to make an automation in home assistant such that if the state of input_boolean.garage_door changes to on, then open the garage. If it switches to off, close the garage. You can expose the input_boolean in Google_Assistant.

One thing I’m not sure about is how secure this is. I imagine the locks are using port 443 so that they can use secure SSL or TLS handshake to avoid spoofing. By doing it this way you would be bypassing this, I think. Maybe someone else with more expertise can comment…

Also, it’s common that the low level techs have no idea about ports. It’s probably less than 1% of users that are actually interested in it. If they don’t know what you’re talking about, maybe ask them to escalate the call.