Graph frozen


Since a few days, my graphs are frezzing, on a random basis.
If I restart HA, it’s ok for a few hours (6 to 24). The sensors are ok and keep on measuring the right value.
It’s only an issue with the graph. Whatever the graph (mini-graph, entity graph, …)

Sensors shown here are openweathermap sensor, rfxcom sensors or zigbee sensors.

Any idea how to solve the issue ?

Are there database errors in your system log?

None !
A new restart and everything is working fine: graphs updated !
Very strange !
Sensors are updated, automations work well, only graphs are frozen

This exact thing also happened to me. In my case it was a sensor or entity that was writing to the database with data that exceeded one of the fields maximum length. I never figured out which one it was as I simply excluded everything and then added only those sensors that were important to me. This not only fixed the problem but my DB size went way down. Hope that helps.


Thanks for the hit. I’ve modified the recorder options recently.
I will revert to the previous parameters and check.