Graphic interface

Hi, I tried to install HA on an old Raspberry Pi 2 Model B just to see how it works.
I installed hassos_rpi2-5.7.img.xz image because that one should work but when I starting up I just came to a black promt and no graphical interface. Is it wrong version I installed?
Of cource I will buy a new hardware but just wan’t to try on the old raspberry before I buy that.
I don’t know if Raspberry it’s the best hardware but I t seems so.



If you read the getting started guide it tells you:


  1. Insert the boot medium (SD card) you just created.
  2. Plug in an Ethernet cable that is connected to the network and power the system on.
  3. In the browser of your desktop system, within a few minutes you will be able to reach your new Home Assistant at homeassistant.local:8123.

There is no local UI.

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I don’t know if you mean that I should try too reach the Pi from a browser on another computer but it will not working I have tried the ip to pie , and just and even homeassistant.local:8123 if I connect a monitor to the pie I just got a cli prompt and No webbrowser

There’s no local UI, so the lack of a browser is normal.

It will however tell you the LAN IP.