GRENTON integration


I installed Grenton Smart Home system ver. 1.0. The configuration included:

  1. CLU - central unit
  2. 1 pcs Smart Panel, 3 pcs. Touch Panels connected by TF-BUS(RS435)
  3. 2 pcs DIGITAL IN modules connected by TF-BUS(RS435)
  4. HTTP GATE to make integration with HA connected by TF-BUS(RS435)
  5. 9 pcs - Z-WAVE switches, eg. double switches to controls lights

I use Raspberry Pi 4B with 4GB RAM and installed:

  • Home Assistant 0.117.1
  • HassOS 4.15
  • Home Assistant OS (4.19.127-v7l)

I wrote simple integration to control Z-WAVE switches. I used REST platform.
It’s configuration.yaml to control 7 switches.

# grenton Z-WAVE switch
  - platform: rest
      resource: IP_address/switch/hol_LED
      name: 'hol_LED'
      body_on: '{"state": "on"}'
      body_off: '{"state": "off"}'
      is_on_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
        Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: true
  - platform: rest
      resource: IP_address/switch/hol_lampa
      name: 'hol_lampa'
      body_on: '{"state": "on"}'
      body_off: '{"state": "off"}'
      is_on_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
        Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: true
  - platform: rest
      resource: IP_address/switch/laz_kom_lampy
      name: 'laz_kom_lampy'
      body_on: '{"state": "on"}'
      body_off: '{"state": "off"}'
      is_on_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
        Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: true
  - platform: rest
      resource: IP_address/switch/laz_kom_lustro
      name: 'laz_kom_lustro'
      body_on: '{"state": "on"}'
      body_off: '{"state": "off"}'
      is_on_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
        Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: true
  - platform: rest
      resource: IP_address/switch/korytarz
      name: 'korytarz'
      body_on: '{"state": "on"}'
      body_off: '{"state": "off"}'
      is_on_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
        Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: true
  - platform: rest
      resource: IP_address/switch/silownia
      name: 'silownia'
      body_on: '{"state": "on"}'
      body_off: '{"state": "off"}'
      is_on_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
        Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: true
  - platform: rest
      resource: IP_address/switch/laz_sciana_wodna_lampy
      name: 'laz_sciana_wodna_lampy'
      body_on: '{"state": "on"}'
      body_off: '{"state": "off"}'
      is_on_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
        Content-Type: application/json
        verify_ssl: true

After restart HA server I received ERROR log for three switches:

First occurred: 14:09:35 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:09:35

  • No route to resource/endpoint: IP_address/switch/laz_kom_lampy
  • No route to resource/endpoint: IP_address/switch/laz_kom_lustro
  • No route to resource/endpoint: IP_address/switch/korytarz

And one WARNING:

First occurred: 14:09:35 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:09:35

Setup of switch platform rest is taking over 10 seconds.

The four other switches are installed and working properly. All of switches are tested by ARC and working properly. I tested separately switches in HA (only one in configuralion.yaml) everything working properly. I added timeout to each switch, eg. 20, 30 or 60 without results.

What should I do to run all switches not only some?


Hi again

I change configuration on HA. I used command line switch. All switches are running :slight_smile: I used curl to control. A fragment of configuration.yaml for two switches is below:

  - platform: command_line
#Grenton switches Z-WAVE
            command_on: 'curl -X POST -d "{\"state\":\"on\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"'
            command_off: 'curl -X POST -d "{\"state\":\"off\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"'
            command_state: 'curl -X GET'
            value_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
            friendly_name: 'hol_LED'
            command_on: 'curl -X POST -d "{\"state\":\"on\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"'
            command_off: 'curl -X POST -d "{\"state\":\"off\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"'
            command_state: 'curl -X GET'
            value_template: '{{ value_json.is_active }}'
            friendly_name: 'hol_lampa'


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Super. Szkoda że nikt z Grentona nie pomyśli nad jakąś głębszą integracją z HA

It’s been 2 years but i want to ask something… What zwave switches did you use with Grenton system?

This model
Grenton bezprzewodowy moduł wyjść 230V RELAY x2 Z-WAVE do montażu podtynkowego


So you are able to control Grenton from Home Assistant? Because I read that you can only control Home Assistant with Grenton and not the opposite.

Now you can use my unofficial integration. Check out my grenton-to-homeassistant repository.

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