Group automation

What is right to turn switches inside a group on?




or even


I had the problem that light inside a group turned on with switch.turn_off but not off so i aksed myself what is the right service?

I’m not sure which is the official correct way.

But currently this works for me:

service: homeassistant.turn_on
entity_id: group.group_lights

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homeassistant.turn_on/off works for mixed groups so its what I tend to use. I’ve not seen any negative effects using it even when you know switch or light will work.

strange homeasssistant.turn_off works with a switch group but homeassistant.turn_on seams not working…but switch.turn_on also not…strange.

Does it matter if in the group is only a single switch?

Edit: Ups my fault…looks i was sleepy last night.