I have ESPresense with BLE against Apple iWatches working great, tracking the irk and these are awesome. They detect seemingly instantly when the wife and I are home, awesome, super reliable.
I would like to create a group that I can use in automation’s for when both wife and I are “Not_home”. I would like to fire frigate camera events such as person detected based on if we are both not home.
I have been reading the forums, posts and looking at “people” and “Groups”.
Why I’m stuck is because the devices to group together are not “trackers” or “people” but sensors and I’m stuck on home to make something that I can detect against as in the state “Not_home”.
Example of one BLE sensor driven by ESPresense posting to MQTT:
Entity: sensor.susan_iwatch
States attributes:
distance: 8.09
friendly_name: Susan iWatch
Can anyone help show me how to make a group that I can use to show if we both away?