Hi all. I’m stuck with something that should be simple. I try that by pressing a button two switches change state. I tried to form a group but did not succeed. What would be the correct way to do it. thanks
Thanks for the reply. It didn’t work. I press the button and nothing happens. I am trying to implement a two channel sonoff touch. Another thing I don’t understand is why 4 entities appear even though it has two buttons. In the ewelink app it has two more buttons that are used, one to turn all of them on and the other to turn all of them off. Giving me 4 entities makes sense, but I can’t do anything with those two entities. I would like to understand how these two entities are used and how a group of switches can be turned on or off.
The group in ui mode works but in yaml mode I don’t know how. And the 2 of the 4 entities that sonoff touch (2) gives me in ui mode when I select them nothing happens.