Grouped motion sensor to show all on and all off


I have two motion sensors that are grouped. That setting is ticked on if both motion sensor trigger ON, then the created grouped sensor becomes ON. But I also want the grouped sensor to trigger OFF if BOTH sensors are both off. Currently, the default is set where only one has to be OFF and then the grouped sensor is OFF.

Can I change that default behavior so both has to be OFF for the group to be OFF? OR do i need to create an automation instead to make this work the way I want to?


Binary sensor, light, and switch groups allow you set the “All entities” option. When enabled, the group behavior is inverted, and all members of the group have to be on for the group to turn on as well.


That is just all on… It doesn’t apply to all off. I need all off.

Create a template sensor, which is the inverse of your group.

Technically i need both. Need all ON to trigger and all OFF to trigger.

Template sensor sounds like it could do it but my YAML skills are NIL.

What would be the state for other cases? If not all of them ON, what should be the state? So you are describing a tri state rather than binary. I suggest to use two different sensors, all is on and all is off.

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I have a mmWave motion detector and a PIR one in a room. The mmWave is very sensative and gives out false positives throughout the day.

However when a person walks in the room, it will recognize a person has enter and the grouped sensor will trigger ON with both mmWave and PIR. If that person sits and watches tv, the mmWave will remain triggered while the PIR mostly likely turn off but the grouped motion will stay on, but if person leaves the room, the PIR will get retriggered on as that person leaves, and when that room finally remains empty in a bit of time, both PIR and mmWave will eventually trigger OFF and change the grouped motion to OFF. When someone comes back fully into the room, both mmWAVE and PIR will get triggered ON again.

Hope that gives people some idea.

I would personally have two triggers for each sensor (pir and mmwave) and condition for both.

If triggered by;

  • pir to false
  • mmwave to false

with condition

  • Pir is false and mmwave is false

Take action


Thanks for your input. To summarize: an automation to make that logic work.

Can that automation turn on/off a virtual motion sensor then? I would like to have a virtual motion sensor displayed as part of my dashboard.

You can create an input boolean sensor and set it over automation and put the input boolean into your dashboard.

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