Grouping of covers


I have created a cover group consiting of two underlying covers.

  • platform: group
    name: Rollos Wohnzimmer
    • cover.rollo_wohnzimmer
    • cover.rollo_wohnzimmer_seite

For each of the two covers I have a separate wall switch to open and close.
I want to use the switches to trigger closing both covers (ie. the group) if either of the switches gets pressed.
How can I do this?

You need to check which entity name the group has, probably something like group.rollos_wohnzimmer. Next you can send the up/down commands to this entity.

I think you need to remove the space in your name, rename it to: rollos_wohnzimmer than you can use cover.rollos_wohnzimmer to control your cover group