Grouping, partially work?

I’m trying to group similar entities together as below

  name: office
    - switch.012001445ccf7f2e1ef3

  name: person
    - device_tracker.a
    - device_tracker.b
    - device_tracker.c
    - device_tracker.d

  name: camera
    - camera.garage_door
    - camera.front_door
    - camera.back_door

  name: mediadevice
    - media_player.family_room
    - media_player.basement

from reload, office and person are showing up correctly in the dashboard, however camera and mediadevice groups are not showing up in group, anything I missed?


Possibly because camera: is reserved for the camera integration. Try cameras:

And “person:” is its own integration too.

I’m surprised it’s not throwing errors. Unless it ignores those integrations if the keywords are under
the “group:” domain.

thanks for the hint. changed the group name to something else, reload, restart, still the same. the last 2 groups didn’t show up in the UI. and there is no error in the HA output (attached the container in a terminal).

Did you look for those groups in the dev tools states page?

yes, all 4 of them are in states page. only 2 of them showing in group in the overview page.

Ok, then everything is working. You just need to add them to the ui.

sorry I am confused. the first 2 groups are automatically showing up in the overview page already. what do you mean I need to add them to the ui?

I don’t know why they wouldn’t automatically show up because I don’t use the default Lovelace view but it would be better for you if you took control of your UI and configured it yourself.

I’m still use the default. Guess it is time to move to Lovelace. Thanks

If you’ve installed in the last 10 months or so you are already on lovelace. You just haven’t taken control of the config by either using yaml mode or configuring it thru the GUI.

If you don’t one of those things then the system generates a basic frontend UI for you.