HA 0.91.x beta: MQTT discovery not working

Hi, don’t know if this is the right place to post this, but I just wanted to mention that MQTT discovery is not working. It will just throw some errors. (Not at home at the moment, but will post error logs tonight). Anything related to MQTT is no longer working (at least discovery isn’t). Breaking changes doesn’t show any weird things with the discovery component.

As it is a beta, I ofcourse won’t ask for a solution, I just wanted to mention that it doesn’t work anymore (reverted back to 90.2 and all is working fine).

Edit: I use a dedicated mosquitto server (so no integrated broker or whatsoever).

Seems fixed in b2.
No mqtt problems here.

Join the Beta discord channel. keep up to date on the beta

Thanks, will join this :stuck_out_tongue:

So dumb, I updated the firmware of all my tasmota devices OTA with the standard link provided. Guess what? The standard version is based on ESP8266/Arduino library core 2.3.0. Seems this version doesn’t work for me at all, not able to connect to the broker and wifi connection drops every 10 seconds and so on.

Flashed all of it with a build based on 2.4.2, all is working again. Man I never knew there were different versions of Tasmota other than the minimal, language, extra features ones.

Sorry for having bothered you with this problem, but hey maybe this answer might help someone with tasmota problems.

Edit: Tasmota version 6.5.0
For the ones interested in this when having problems with tasmota you can find the different builds here:

2.3.0 binaries: http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/release/
2.4.2 binaries: http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/release/020402/

I moved from Tasmota where i could to ESPhome for these very reasons

Heard about it many times, is it actually any better? And if so why? (I mean other than the flash reason, which was annoying though). I have thought about using something else but don’t know if I feel like unscrewing around 20 sonoffs/magichome leds in and around the house :stuck_out_tongue:. Would it be possible to flash it ota within tasmota? Because that would change a lot, and is the same possible in ESPhome? As in, if I don’t like it I could just flash it back ota?

In this particular case I was lucky that I had at least some sort of a connection which held long enough for the firmware to be uploaded. But I am leaning towards something else as this is my only experience with MQTT and as my collegues are hyped about it, I feel a bit meh about it. (though since I flashed everything with the binaries I previously mentioned it is amazingly stable atm).

Anyways thanks.

For me the native api integration seems so much quicker than mqtt.
No messing with mqtt discovery or manual setup.
You can upgrade from tasmota to ESPhome by uploading the binary you create in ESPhome. then if you install the ESPhome dashboard you can edit, verify and upload and changes from there
I did all mine over the course of a couple of weeks, got used to how it works, and basically did one at a time and fixed any issues i had.

You must be one of the only people who finds 2.4.2 core works at all. There’s a reason the switched back to 2.3.0 in Tasmota 6.5 - 2.4.2 is incredibly unstable for most people and 2.3.0 is rock solid… but whatever works for you…

Yeah, I have read the same thing. But all my sonoffs were working on 2.4.2 before (don’t know why I had that version, but it was just what I had downloaded some time ago. Never even knew there was a difference). Funny thing is, when I started with tasmota I had 2.3.0 I think as they never worked fine for me. So I unscrewed all the stuff and reflashed it with newer versions of tasmota (which happened to be 2.4.2 a few months ago). So that is when I started to like to use MQTT.

Seems 2.3.0 makes everything very unstable for me, mqtt not working at all, dropping connections all the time. Home Assistant discovery not even finding them even though the tasmota console says it is connected to the broker. Constant wifi drops.

Now everything is rock solid for me. Yup it is really weird stuff, I have read that many people had a lot of issues with 2.4.2 (but it also stated that there were people that had no problems with it, guess I’m one of them :stuck_out_tongue: )

Edit: btw, I am a complete noob about binaries and why it should or shouldn’t work. You might think 2.4.2 is newer than 2.3.0 so it should theoretically be better. But I know it doesn’t work like that in most cases haha.

2.5 core is coming as well but it’s also very unstable.

If you look on the Tasmota Wiki under troubleshooting WiFi they explain the differences in cores.

There are issues (apparently) with core 2.3.0 - it suffers from the Krack vulnerability (meh), but it does have issues with certain kings of routers and also with Mesh networks but it works with auto channel networks. 2.4.2 also has router/mesh issues and 2.5.0 solves them all but doesn’t like core auto channels…

Funny thing is I use a Fritzbox - a specific 2.3.0 problem and I also use a mesh network… also a problem… but I have almost zero wifi dropouts on that! With core 2.4.2 and 2.5.0 I had literally HUNDREDS per day…

So, 2 weeks later not a single dropout on the wifi/mqtt. And it still surprises me. You told me to go check their wiki page and I just did. If I read it well, this firmware shouldn’t work as well with auto wifi channels which all of my routers/AP’s do. I tried 2.3.0 again to see what would happen. But still getting the failures from before.

Funny thing is that you have the exact opposite. Your firmware shouldn’t play well with a mesh network as well as the Fritzbox whereas the firmware I use shouldn’t play well with auto channels. Though it seems 2.4.2 has those Fritzbox problems too.

I use a Compal modem/router issued by my ISP and the AP’s are TP-Link’s. I also have an old Thomsom modem/router (issued by that same ISP years ago) in use as a wifi AP.

Yes I know right… I should have grief with anything but 2.5.0 core as I use mesh and a FB. I did turn off auto-channels too. lol. I just don’t understand it. But bottom line is use whichever core gives you stability and for 99% of people that will be core 2.3.0 Don’t you feel special?