Hello. I use HA to control Siemens Logo. I have no possibility to connect it to my network by wire so I use a router as wireless bridge for Logo. I can place HA device next to Logo as it already has WiFi to connect to the local network and I wonder, can I get rid of this router and connect Logo directly to HA using Ethernet so that I will be able to access Logo from the local network?
If you mean using HA as a wired access point, I don’t think HAOS is set up for that. I imagine if you used a different HA install, running HA inside a VM, you could run it alongside software which could do this. But that’s a lot of administrative overhead.
If both devices can access the same WiFi access point, why not just let each one do that? They’d be on the same network and able to communicate easily.
Not officially, but you’ve got:
- hassio-addons/hassio-hotspot at master · joaofl/hassio-addons · GitHub
- GitHub - mattlongman/Hassio-Access-Point: Hass.io addon to let you create a WiFi access point, perfect for using WiFi devices on off-grid installations.
Both seem a touch outdated - referring to Home Assistant OS as “hass.io”, which it hasn’t been for some 5 years - but have at least had code changes in the last year.