Caddy Server (on a different virtual machine, same network)
Hassio latest
IOS HA app
I can get the push notification but I couldn’t get the actions to show. One thing I noticed is the “Push Notifications” in the IOS app is grayed out. See the screenshot.
Everything else has been working for a long time, let me know if anyone has any ideas. Thank you.
You haven’t shown your caddyfile but I suspect you need to add:
header_upstream Authorization {>Authorization}
I had to add that to get Html5 notifications in chrome.
In the iOS 2 app, the pushid is greyed out for me as well but I get notifications. I don’t use actionable one. According to the doc you need ios: still for actionable notifications and categories… I don’t use them so not too sure.
What are you expecting to see?
If the push id isn’t blank (and it’s greyed out) then it’s enabled… If you have a notify.mobile_app. then it’s enabled… if you get notifications it’s enabled…
The Actions - you need to leave ios: in your config. The docs mention that in the migration. I don’t use actions myself and removed the ios: a long time ago. @olbjan or @SeanM might be able to advise further. Also discord support might be better…
Good Luck
From the screenshot in OP, that “Push Notifications” toggle on your profile page is for HTML5 notifications through your web browser - these do not work on iOS / mobile Safari. It will always be grayed out on an iOS device. It’s an entirely different and unrelated thing than the native iOS push notifications.
I am going to raise an issue for this on the frontend repo to try and figure out how to better handle that, because it is admittedly pretty confusing.
Everything related to the iOS app notifications can be found under App Configuration > Notifications. You want to be sure that you have stuff under the “Categories” section on this screen. Here is a partial screenshot of mine to give you an idea of what it should look like:
If you have actionable notifications defined in YAML but do not see anything listed under the Categories section like my above screenshot, you will need to press the “Import push configuration from server” button on that same page.
Sometimes getting the actionable notifications to display for the very first time is tricky. One thing that I’ve found that works is pressing the “Preview” button. It’s the little eye icon in the bottom right when you tap through to a certain category. This will send a test notification and it should contain the actions/buttons when you swipe down on the notification.
Thank you so much Sean. this totally helped. Yes the front end GUI is confusing coz for years I was thinking it was my configuration that did not enable the push notification. anyways, I have imported the push config and now do see all the options. Except now I get " Requested entity was not found" in the log when I try to push. Weird since it was working last week. oh well that’s a whole new issue I’ll just have to sort it out later.