I installed Google Calendar and followed and created a Vacation calendar and edited the google_calendars.yaml to search for Vacation. If I am on vacation for two weeks and it shows in Google Calendar the HA Calendar won’t show the 2nd week on the monthly view or the daily view when I initially go into but if I go into the weekly view it shows the vacation for each day of the week then if I click on the daily it suddenly shows the vacation.
To test this out with a different device_id on following weeks I added a new device_id: work in the google_calendars.yaml and added days labeled Work for one week in Google Calendar and everything shows correctly in HA. If I add even just one day labeled Work in Google Calendar on the following week that day won’t show up as Work on the monthly screen in HA but if I click on weekly it shows up and if I click on daily it shows up.
Why does HA Calendar hide the days in the 2nd week that are labeled the same as the days in the 1st week?
I just tried something else. I labeled 6 separate days throughout April in Google Calendar as Work. HA Calendar will only display 5 of those days. Does HA Calendar have a limit of displaying no more than 5 events with the same name in the monthly view? If so, why does it have that limit?
Edit your google_calendars.yaml file and edit the max_results parameter. I don’t know if there is a limit on how high you can go, but 50 works fine for me.
cal_id: [email protected]
- device_id: abc_daily_calendar
ignore_availability: true
name: ABC Daily Calendar
track: true
max_results: 50
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Thanks. I missed that option in the documentation.