HA compatible RF bridge other than 433MHz, are there any?

I just bought an adjustable bed base that has an RF remote. It has a massage/vibration feature that would be cool to use as a wake-up alarm, if I were able to integrate with HA and run an automation at a specific time. I have an Broadlink RF Pro and tried it, but it does not work. I looked up the remote’s FCCID on the FCC webslte and it seems to work in the 2.405GHz-2.48GHz range. Are there any HA compatible RF bridges like the Broadlink that work on 2.4GHz?

You could possibly build something using either an Arduino or an ESP8266 and a NRF24L01 transceiver.
You could use MQTT for communications.

Thanks. I was hoping there was an “off-the-shelf” solution. Upon further investigation, there doesn’t appear to be.

Maybe give this a shot: https://github.com/danobot/rfgateway

This seems very interesting. Is this your repo? Did you code it? I have HA running on laptop using Ubuntu, but have a Rpi that I currently use to stream music with. I’m wondering if I could use that.

Yes I did. If you don’t have docker you can run python script directly