HA doesn't recognize Fibaro FGMS-001 properly

I have been using z-wave for a couple of years, and I have 4 Fibaro FGMS-001 multisensors (and a lot of other stuff). Until now I have only used 3 of these - the 4th one was configured in some other smart house stuff that I had before. The sensors are all bought at the same time. Now I wanted to add the 4th one to HA, and I reset the sensor as per the documentation, and added it to HA as I have done with all the other sensors.

HA finds the multisensor without problem, but it doesn’t add any of the sensors from the device. From all the other sensors I can see the sensors like this:


But HA doesn’t find any of these sensors from the new one. In the states from the developer tools in HA, the only thing i find is the zwave entity and the attributes. These attributes are exactly like the other working sensors I have. Also I checked the zwave config file, and everything there seems to be in order (there is no difference between the working sensors and this one except the ID and the name).

So it seems that the zwave-part is working like it should (i even see counters rising when i move in front of the sensor), but HA fails to add the sensors. I have deleted the sensor, reset it, and added it again, but the same thing happens.

Has anybody seen anything like this, or do you have any ideas on how to fix this?