Hi, my HA Green won’t boot correctly. No remotes are working, however it seems like the automations are still running correctly.
The lamps on the front are flashing in a distinct repeating pattern which restarts with a pause in between each repeating loop. It however goes to fast for me to describe it in detail. I think it’s something like 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 13 1 13 1
A loop seams to take around 20 sec with a pause of 5 seconds inbetween.
My phone says that the server is unavailable or may be overloaded (Firefox) when trying to visit the local website.
Any ideas of what may be going on?
It stopped working Monday last week around 8 o’clock (I checked on my breakfirst and couldn’t reach it, but ha been able to before I left work).
The same thing seems to have happened this week around the same time. Cause I’m pretty sure it worked when I left for work on Monday, however I haven’t been able to get it to start functioning correctly all week.
I run a very standard installation, but with a LMS server installed as well. Otherwise I keep it quite vanilla.
With regards
Expected Inquisition