HA Help says use sudo, but there is no sudo on HassOs


I’m just trying to get some kind of temperature and humidity sensor to work on HassOs with the Pi Zero W, as the DHT22 I bought is somehow not supported on the Zero W.

I looked at other sensors and one that looks good is the Xiaomi Mijia BLE, for which there is a HassOs documentation:

In the configuration instructions, it says:

Start a scan to determine the MAC addresses of the sensor:
$ sudo hcitool lescan

Which I find a little irritating because as far as everything I’ve read there is no sudo functionality in HassOs. No pip, apt-get, sudo, nothing. Am I understanding something wrong, or why would they say to use this if it’s not supported in HassOs?

This can’t even be run in the raspberry pi shell through HassOs! Even just running hcitool lescan in the terminal returns with command not found.

Thanks in advance.

  • RabidAlpaca

There’s more than just the HAOS install method :wink:

Those commands can be run anywhere though, you don’t have to run them on the HA host.


Thank you for your reply. So there is no way to run this command on the HA host, correct? Does it not require any configuration at all in HasOs other than the configuration.yaml entry?

I’m trying to determine if this sensor will be useable with HA on the Pi Zero as I was already burned by an alleged integration of the DHT22 that didn’t work on the Zero.

Correct, and correct.

Given that it’s Bluetooth, if it’s within range of the onboard Bluetooth you should be fne.

Of course, running HA on the Zero is so far outside the recommended hardware that it’s not funny :wink: