HA Homematic Integration - Configure Homematic wired gateway


I just started with HomeAssistant and was trying out to integrate my Homematic-wired-Installation.

I see two options here:

  1. Use RaspberryMatic on a separate VM
  2. Use the Homematic CCU-Addon which runs integrated in Home Assistant

I already started with Option 1. I did not do a lot there until now. Simply added the LAN Gatway.
Then I realized there is Option2 which might be better because all is on one machine.

I have some issues on my way with Option 2:
I installed the plugin “HomeMatic CCU - HomeMatic central based on OCCU”.
Started the plugin. And it runs. I can open the WebUI.

Then I try to add my Homematic wired LAN-Gateway (“Einstellungen” - “Systemsteuerung” - “LAN Gateway konfigurieren” ):
I enter the needed values like I did on a RaspberryMatic-Installation before (where it works).

I pressed the Button “Übernehmen”.

Then it is prompted that I need to make a restart of the addon.

Here is my first Issue:
One way for the restart would be: “Einstellungen” - “Systemsteuerung” - “Zentralen Wartung”
But then the Addon GUI freezes:

HA still works. I can Navigate back to the addons.
When I look into the Addon, then “Log” I dont see any ERROR or Stacktrace.

I took another way to restart the Addon: “Supervisor” - “Addon HomeMatic CCU” - “Restart Button”
The Restart works.

When I look backat my configured gateways under “Einstellungen” - “Systemsteuerung” - “LAN Gateway konfigurieren”, then I dont see my LAN Gatway Entry which I configured before:
then there is simply nothing.

I tried configuring the LAN-Gatway like I did in RaspberryMatic.
Is this the right way Im trying to to this?

Hi there Karl,

Seem like we face the same challenge…

Did you ever get your wired gateway working?
