I just started with HomeAssistant and was trying out to integrate my Homematic-wired-Installation.
I see two options here:
- Use RaspberryMatic on a separate VM
- Use the Homematic CCU-Addon which runs integrated in Home Assistant
I already started with Option 1. I did not do a lot there until now. Simply added the LAN Gatway.
Then I realized there is Option2 which might be better because all is on one machine.
I have some issues on my way with Option 2:
I installed the plugin “HomeMatic CCU - HomeMatic central based on OCCU”.
Started the plugin. And it runs. I can open the WebUI.
Then I try to add my Homematic wired LAN-Gateway (“Einstellungen” - “Systemsteuerung” - “LAN Gateway konfigurieren” ):
I enter the needed values like I did on a RaspberryMatic-Installation before (where it works).
I pressed the Button “Übernehmen”.
Then it is prompted that I need to make a restart of the addon.
Here is my first Issue:
One way for the restart would be: “Einstellungen” - “Systemsteuerung” - “Zentralen Wartung”
But then the Addon GUI freezes:
HA still works. I can Navigate back to the addons.
When I look into the Addon, then “Log” I dont see any ERROR or Stacktrace.
I took another way to restart the Addon: “Supervisor” - “Addon HomeMatic CCU” - “Restart Button”
The Restart works.
When I look backat my configured gateways under “Einstellungen” - “Systemsteuerung” - “LAN Gateway konfigurieren”, then I dont see my LAN Gatway Entry which I configured before:
then there is simply nothing.
I tried configuring the LAN-Gatway like I did in RaspberryMatic.
Is this the right way Im trying to to this?