HA InfluxDB is missing the zero values from sensors

Hi all,

This is my config for influxdb:

#--- InfluxDB ---
    host: localhost
    port: 8086
    database: homeAssistant
    username: ****
    password: ****
    max_retries: 3
    default_measurement: state
        - sensor

It seems like HA is sending no zero values to influxdb.
I have several tasmota power plugs with power metering.
When the plug is switched off, influxdb is reporting no data and grafana can not show a graph or is showing graphs with wildly interpolated lines when instead there should be a line at zero.

Is there a way to report also the zero values to influxdb?



same issue here. have you found any way to solve that?

Still no solution for this? Having the same issue.

Same here, I’m using Tasmota with a sonoff Pow. Even with

Data is not recorded to influx when the switch if off

SetOption21 is 1 and I confirmed in Tasmosta’s console that sensor data are sending when the Sonoff Pow is switched off

I hade the same issue today.
I have a query where I read different values and subtract them within the query.
But one column most of the time is empty and then my query does not bring a result.
I added this line to exchange every empty field with a 0

|> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with empty_column_name: if exists r.empty_column_name then r.empty_column_name else 0.0 }))