I would really appreciate a couple of ideas to try to fix a knackered HA.
I noticed no hot water this morning so I went to check HA in Chrome, but I couldn’t get on it, Chrome gave error:
This site can’t be reached
homeassistant.local refused to connect.
I tried to access via SSH but got access denied when entering password. I tried my normal username/password and also root with no password.
So I tried the current SD card into another raspberry pi and I got exactly the same issue so concluded issue is not the raspberry pi.
Decided to resort to backup which I have in Google Drive. I created a brand new HA installation via balenaEtcha, which gave me access to http://homeassistant.local:8123/. I selected restore from back up instead of new account on the onboarding page. However this produced the same result. I also tried an earlier backup and got the same thing.
It seem HA is half alive. Its on the network, I can ping it. And its also receiving MQTT messages (external MQTT node red is connected). However I can’t get to the main UI and I can’t access via SSH.
If anyone has any pointers, it would be greatly appreciated. It was working fine yesterday, only change I know of is the router did a reboot overnight. I always keep it up to date so its running the latest versions. Backup is only a day old.
Thanks in advance.