HA instance not accessing the internet

I recently updated my network setup

from: ISP (Modem + Router) → Home Assistant
to: ISP (Bridge mode) → Google Wifi pluck → TP-Link managed switch → Home Assistant

And since then HA can’t connect to anything outside my network. I can access it just fine locally and remotely using nabu casa but I can’t get it to access anything. Some of the things I tried:

  • Changing the HA DNS server
  • Changing the Google Wifi DNS server
  • Setting a DHCP reservation rule within Google Wifi
  • Removing the DHCP rule
  • Adding another reservation rule with a different IP
  • Restarting everything, including the switch, the google wifi pluck and the home assistant instance
  • Changing the cables

I know for a fact this setup is working cause I connected another device (PS4) to the switch and it worked perfectly without any setup.

I’m running HA on Home Assistant Blue by the way

So it can access the Internet. That’s required for the nabu casa cloud to function.

Perhaps you could share some logs and be more specific about what exactly isn’t working?