I recently updated my network setup
from: ISP (Modem + Router) → Home Assistant
to: ISP (Bridge mode) → Google Wifi pluck → TP-Link managed switch → Home Assistant
And since then HA can’t connect to anything outside my network. I can access it just fine locally and remotely using nabu casa but I can’t get it to access anything. Some of the things I tried:
- Changing the HA DNS server
- Changing the Google Wifi DNS server
- Setting a DHCP reservation rule within Google Wifi
- Removing the DHCP rule
- Adding another reservation rule with a different IP
- Restarting everything, including the switch, the google wifi pluck and the home assistant instance
- Changing the cables
I know for a fact this setup is working cause I connected another device (PS4) to the switch and it worked perfectly without any setup.
I’m running HA on Home Assistant Blue by the way