tl;dr: In the past few days, an Insteon ToggleLinc wall on/off switch seems to be told every 20 minutes or so to turn on.
The integration of this switch into HA has been working fine since April. I’ve rolled back any HA updates I’ve installed since the problem started but it hasn’t helped. The Insteon hub is blocked from communicating with the restored Insteon servers by a firewall.
I added debug logging to pyInsteon and had a go at understanding the Insteon protocol and digging into pyInsteon source code, but although I’ve done decades of C++, python is new to me. I’m also having a bit of difficulty matching the msg fields in the logs to the Insteon msg fields (e.g. msg_id?? ack?)
What I think is relevant are the following logs:
2022-08-24 21:56:30.481 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.messages] TX: b'\x02a\x0c\x11\x00
2022-08-24 21:56:30.576 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.messages] RX: msg_id: 0x61, group: 0x0c, cmd1: 0x11, cmd2: 0x00, ack: 0x15
2022-08-24 21:56:30.576 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.messages] RX: msg_id: 0x62, address: 3000b5, flags: 0x05, cmd1: 0x11, cmd2: 0xff, ack: 0x06
I’m not sure how to decode the TX message (raw bytes??) but it seems to be sending a “Turn On” command (0x11 0x00) to a link group or perhaps a dev class/subclass - not sure. The last log is from address 0x3000b4, which is the light switch, which I think is acking the command (and turning on). I’m also unsure as to why this command is being sent in the first place.
What is also odd is that I have a lot of identical instances of the first two logs (TX, then RX from I guess group 0x0c) which are never followed by the light switch ack.
FWIW the toggleLinc devices is Category: 0x02 subcat: 0x01A
Anyone have any ideas? Is the switch responding to the msg TX’d by HA, or is there perhaps some other device commanding the switch to turn off that is not being captured in the logs?
Home Assistant 2022.8.6
Supervisor 2022.08.3
Operating System 8.4
Frontend 20220802.0 - latest
Update: found another instance of reception of an acknowledgement of a command to turn off the switch, so it’s not related to the previous TX msg above:
2022-08-24 20:07:41.925 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.messages] RX: msg_id: 0x62, address: 3000b5, flags: 0x05, cmd1: 0x11, cmd2: 0xff, ack: 0x06
2022-08-24 20:07:42.530 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.messages] RX: msg_id: 0x50, address: 3000b5, target: 52fa6f, flags: 0x26, cmd1: 0x11, cmd2: 0xff
What is the second log with “target” indicating? (target id is the Insteon hub).