HA level of permissions

I’m trying some solution to work with Tinker board GPIO, which they may not require any particular modification and straight away use the HA RPi_GPIO component.

There’s a problem, the access to the /sys/class/gpio/ can’t be made as normal user. Therefore I wonder why HA doesn’t have the administrator privileges. I understand that there are security issues involved.
It seems that raspberry user having a better option, /dev/gpiomem, which I don’t have.

I’ve tried to add an udev rule, but it is not working.

So to circumvent such lack, I made my own component which uses the command line gpio, but it is insufficient when is needed to use an input sensor which may need a callback routine. The program doesn’t give such functionality for the TB.

I’m studying the option to put a daemon as interface. The daemon will have the privileges to access the memory and then just send the command to that. I thought that will be the problem to receive and operate a callback. The callbacks are the part which is used with the binary sensor.

I hope some skilled member of the forum, will spend some time to get me the matter solved.
BTW there’s a pythonic library to access the gpio, periphery.