HA not initialising Integrations after Reboot

Hello there.
I got a massive dissaster issue with my HA.
HA running as OS on a Synology VM.

I configured some ESP Home devices and as usual, HA freezes when i do that.
Normaly a regular HA restart fixed the freeze and HA ans ESP Home working fine.
But this time i run into a serious issue, after reeboot, non of my Integration are initializing anymore and showing errors.
I Already tried: Hard Reboot of the VM, normal reeboot, stopped ESP Home for boot.
Any idea what to do next?

i got a backup, but will installing a backup even fix this? HA still needs to initialise the integrations after a backup so im not to sure to load the backup, since i will loose 1 week of configuratiuons.

Maybe in the Home Assistant logbook there is some information that point to the problem.

Yes looking at your screenshot, my initial thought was “Massive WIFI interference” and chocked Router

hmm. I just shut down the VM, made a backup of the VM, rebootet it after 1h and everything is back online? Guess the case is closed.

Next time above description occurs( and i believe it will , judging by above description), check i.e your Routers memory/performance, and the overall performance cpu/memory of HA(also look for “timeouts” “took long time” errors/warnings in logs

yes, thanks for this advice.
i guess its a performance issue, since everything on the VM gets realy slow.

yes, if you have many wifi/zigbee etc device (dont know nothing about your 690 MQTT entities) , but when you then make changes that will “refresh/update” information from these(at the same time) , there could easily become “traffic jam” :slight_smile: , as im sure you also have a bunch of automation’s/scripts who might “unintentional” get triggered during this process, this also “helps” making the “situation” tough.
Then as you did, Hard reboot is the only “salvation” So HA are back in “Control” starting up in a clean, structured way