So i have an automation that doesn’t see the living_room area anymore. If i go to area’s in configuration it’s there, but it doesn’t show, nor do entries show up.
If i add it as yaml, it will accept it (not sure if it will work though).
Not sure what’s going on…
Anything i can check/do ?
You’ll have to expand on what you mean because this question doesn’t really make sense. Explain what you mean by “Doesn’t see areas”. Use pictures of the UI to explain it if you can’t come up with the words.
and only seems to appear with the service light action.
If i go in my automation and
Use the light.turnon service
The living room area does not appear in the dropbox if i go for the area option (next to device,entities), nor do any devices in that area (or entities)
The area is still present in Area’s or other services.
ok, do you have any lights in your living room? If you don’t, light.turn_on will not show living room. Every dropdown is context sensitive. So if you have switches in your living room, if you used switch.turn_on, then living room would show up.
Aaah. I actually don’t. I just installed a Aqara light switch, but i have not added real smart bulbs yet. I have some smart plugs attached to lights, but they are as you say switches, not lights. I should probably set those up as lights as well.