HA not seeing network/not loading

Hi there, haven’t had any HA issues until today.

Running on a Raspberry Pi 4, hard connection to my network, with HAOS.

Came home tonight, an entry (to our house) automation fired exactly as expected, but couldn’t access the web interface.

Restarted the RPi, no joy, connected it to my big monitor (I had just the right cable right there) and this is what I’m getting:

Subsequently, I used a couple commands to determine:

  • It’s not seeing the network (got nothing when pinging google.com and
  • The time is wrong (it thinks it’s about four months ago).

Also, I saw in some other, earlier posts that simply typing “login” at this screen moves you past it. That is not my experience; instead, it simply restarts and I end up back here.

I’m fine with using hte command line to work, but I generally don’t, so I’m not sure where to go from here. Any direction is appreciated.

Thank you!

SD card corrupt?

I hope not. I bought a good one…and I didn’t setup backups. (I know, I know. That’s all on me.)

SD card might still be corrupt, since the DB is writing to it, but I would probably check other things first, like if the switch/router port is actually working.

Check that there are link lights on on the network device when the RPi is connected.

Try to connect another device to the network cable and see.

Try to restart the network device and the router. If there are security filters on, then a flood protection might have kicked in or some other filter.

Thanks, WallyR. Thinking the same, did all those things:

Check that there are link lights on on the network device when the RPi is connected.

Yup. Green/orange both come on, flicker when you’d expect.

Try to connect another device to the network cable and see.

I actually switched the network cable out for one that I know is good, same result.

Try to restart the network device and the router. If there are security filters on, then a flood protection might have kicked in or some other filter.

For sure, did this fairly early. I’m running an Eero mesh, and they have a good app, so I can also see when the device does/doesn’t come online in there, and the device has remained in “last seen” status of 7:29 last night.

This is odd, right? Like, I haven’t seen a lot of complaints about network access just disappearing like this. Doublechecked DHCP settings and didn’t see anything odd (note: I do have one address reserved for my Hubitat, which I actually no longer use…).

Anyway. If I don’t have a good solution by this afternoon, I’ll probably just wipe and start over. Thank you for the suggestions!

I actually meant that you should try to switch the RPi out with another device. Not the cable. :slight_smile:

Oh, sure. Tried that too, no dice. At this point, I think it makes most sense to start over, but thank you for the suggestions!

If there is no contact on the laptop either, then it is a problem somewhere else than you HA and RPi.

Ah, I was in a rush and my brevity confused things. By “No dice,” I meant that that hadn’t yielded a solution. I was not at all clear about that!

My laptop did work just fine when plugged into the same network cable/port. I tried the rpi on multiple other cable/port combos, and got the same result each time. Also, worth noting, the green/orange lights on the switch would be lit when the rpi was plugged into the respective port.

I admit I didn’t try it direclty connected to the router, or on anything other than that particular switch. I figured the other devices that were working on that switch ruled it out, but perhaps there’s some nuance? I haven’t wiped it yet, can try that in the morning.

Anyway, sorry about the confusion I created there. I am very appreciative of your help!

Ok, then I would go for a test on the RPi also
If you have another SD card, then try to install on that and test it.
Then you do not have to mess with your HA installation to test if it is the hardware that is cause.

Great point, thank you. I’m writing the image to that card write now–will circle back with how it turns out!