HA OS crashing. Supervisor and addons Timeout

Hi all. I hope you could guide me throughout some crazy crashes I’m having with HA.

I am running a Pi 4 - 4GB with an external SSD. Recently, I bought and flashed a Sonoff Zigbee dongle 3.0 and started using Z2M. After I started using it, my HA started crashing daily, and I need to remove the Pi from power to reset it again.
Also, my zigbee2mqtt is not working smoothly (i notice some delay 2-5 seconds for turning a light on).

Everything happens after my logs accuse timeout with the supervisor and addons.

I already tried many things:

  • I bought a USB extension for my dongle.
  • I changed my power supply many times (I am using a 5V 6A at the moment)
  • I put aluminum foil surrounding my SSD and cable (after reading this article: https://www.usb.org/sites/default/files/327216.pdf)
  • I increased the swap memory from my Pi.
  • I disabled the UAS from Home assistant (it improved my supervisor and addons log speeds, but only when not running Z2M)

The only other things I have in mind are:

  • Reflashing the Dongle.
  • Changing my SATA to SSD adapter (or moving to a argon m.2 case).
  • Start HA from scratch.

Looking for some support or directions. Thanks a lot!

Two things I still can think of :
use an USB2 port for your Zigbee dongle

if that don’t work, try a powered USB2 hub to plug in your dongle.

I tried both usb 3.0 and 2.0 port. Both give me the same problem. Also tried a powered usb hub (but a really old one).