HA Overview Screen Customization Help

Trying to do baby steps and customize a little bit the front end page of my Home Assistant. I have a binary sensor (Aqara) that I want to use to detect the condition of my garage door. I will like for the icon to change based on the state of the sensor, like show a garage with the door open when the state is open or a garage with the door close when the state is closed.Screenshot 2021-04-13 161733

You need to set the sensor type as “garage_door”, then it should use the correct icon automatically, as well as “open” and “closed” for default states

Would you mind showing me or explaining where do I need to go within HA to do this change.

Configuration - Customizations
Then select the entity and change the device class

Hello…Did as you explain and restarted the HA under “Server Control” but I still don’t see a change on the icon form when I open and close the door switch. This is what it looks like under “Customization”,

I simply changed the class and not the icon, since changing the class does it automatically. This is how mine looks:

The one with the false state color is because the specific entity card that shows the last opened time does not work with the color, but as you can see they both show the open icon to match the state. The large door has the variant icon in addition to the class, but it also shows the correct icon for the state when opened

Thank you for your suggestions Richie. I had to delete the icon entry that I had done, “MDI:Garage” and then by changing the device class to “Garage_Door” the garage icon became dynamic. I was wondering that on your image you have what appears to be a double car garage door and a single car garage door icons. Do you know what I need to do to increase the icon size to represent the double car garage as my garage configuration is exactly like yours.

I additionally changed the icon to mdi:garage-variant for the double door, that is all.

Thank you again. I went to the front page and click on the icon which took me to the settings screen for the garage icon. If I add the MDI:garage-variant there, the icon stops being dynamic. I then went to the Customize.yaml and added the line there which change the icon accordingly but as well stop the icon from changing to show the open condition.Screenshot 2021-04-17 092338

you are right, mine does not either, I only recently changed the icon and do not use that door often enough to see the state in HA… I will look into it