I can access my HA from my public ip but with https://publicip:8123, when I enter with http:// it doesn’t work. What I did wrong? On the video, a guy told to not skip this If I wanna continue this tutorial…
My port forwading: internet provider router: where I got my TP link router IP
Do I have to enter in huawei port forwading HA local ip like on tp link router?
I got it connected like this: Huawei router (internet provider) → TP Link router ← MY PC with HAOS on Virtual Machine
It should not work with http if you set up a certificate with LetsEncrypt.
I don’t really understand what your issue is?
Btw, you don’t need to hide internal IP addresses (192.168.xx.xx), they are of no use for a hacker as they are not accessible from outside your network.
I think I did sth wrong, but If I can enter with https://myduckdomain.duckdns.org:8123 or my public ip with https and 8123 port so I gonna continue with this tutorial. ehh…
edit1: OK got working with my mobile data and local WIFI connection. no https certifcation errors when I enter with mydomain.duckdns.org without :8123 Is that everything I can do? Everything is safe?
I would at least also turn on two factor, so that even when someone guessed your password correctly via, say, brute force they would still not be able to get into your HA.
Hi! could you help me set duckdns? I have the same router interface but when I use canyouseeme.org it shows other ip address. could you guide me for the whole process. sorry for my English
It’s weird - it is my view (im a noob) that you have a dynamic public ip or sth like this. I just followed the linked youtube video. Maybe guys would help you here
edit: so you got different public ip on duckdns site and canyouseeme.org? ;/
what if you google: what is my ip and compare it to canyouseeme? As you see here in this topic canyouseemeorg website shows me errors and I maanged to configure the remote access, somehow lol xD