HA server "ask" HA App for location update?

Is there a service that can be used to “ask” the HA app for a location update? I’ve noticed location data doesn’t update very often. It seem to happen once every 10-15 minute (maybe) or (maybe) when there’s a “significant” location change. When in a small neighborhood, “significant” is relative - 500y is pretty far, too be honest.

I’m wondering if there’s a way to “ping” for an updated location?

I don’t see any services in HA that allow a request of the mobile app to refresh the location, but I use iCloud integration (actually iCloud3) for mine and I can force a refresh any time I want. This is just to say that if the mobile app doesn’t expose this functionality, there is more than one way to skin a cat. I presume Google might have something similar but I don’t use Android so I don’t know.

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Thank you! That’s exactly what I was looking for! :smiley:

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that reliable. It worked for one of my devices (iPad), but not for the other (iPhone).

Yes there is a warning and explanation about the reliability: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/notifications/notification-commands/#request-location-updates

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