Installation was successful and I can log in to Home Assistant. But when I tried to install any addon and I clicked the Install button, nothing happens.
core-2021.4.6 - installed
I see 2 issues in the System tab.
You are running an unsupported installation.
Your installation is unhealthy.
Can you please help me to fix the problems?
Thank you.
You didn’t follow it completely because it specifies using Debian and no other distribution of Linux. Only Debian is officially supported and explains why you are seeing:
You are running an unsupported installation.
The other message (“unhealthy”) may be due to the version of Docker or Network Manager that is installed in Ubuntu (or a permissions problem where Supervisor doesn’t have full control). If you click the “unhealthy” link it will lead you to more information.
At this early stage, you are better off re-installing on Debian.
Thank you for your answers.
Ok, I understand about the Debian server, but I cannot install it because all other stuff is already running on my Ubuntu server.
I just need to fix how to enable updating. Is it possible or not in the Ubuntu server?
Unhealthy status = There is a message:
The Docker environment is not working properly.
My docker version
docker -v
Docker version 20.10.6, build 370c289
When I checked logs:
WARNING (MainThread) [] ‘ResolutionFixup.run_autofix’ blocked from execution, system is not healthy.
Thank you for your answer.