Updated to latest version of HA. Now when I attempt to load HA, it hangs when it hits my “customize” line in my config.yaml file and attempts to load my entity_IDs and their new friendly_name. The config.yaml file hadn’t had any code changes to it before the update and was running fine. Was there something in the update that could of broke this? Any suggestions?
Can you post the error and the lines in your config.yaml? It’s hard to help without it
did you update using sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade… every time i would do that, HA would hang as if there are error on my configuration… seems like HA is not compatible with upgrade on raspi OS it self… by the way I’m on the lastest HASSBIAN image (i did a fresh install last month)… but if i run the the IMAGE as is works like a charm… i just don’t upgrade the whole PI… I hope its okay to just update HA it self. since my PI is running on harddrive its hard to make a backup before the testing if updating is fixed.
can you post error file?
Got it fixed. Just something weird of first couple of starts and just rebooted RP3 altogether
at the time no error files since the raspberry doesnt even boot at all… i manage to just run the IMAGE without doing sudo update and upgrade