I’m struggling to resolve an issue with Home Assistant voice:
Home Assistant Voice PE responds “An unexpected error occurred”
Sentence Parser cannot parse “office light on” or “office light off”. It doesn’t respond at all. In debug mode, the browser reports unidentified errors
The entity is named “office Light” and it’s in an area called “office”.
all other similar commands work “kitchen light off”, “bedroom light on” even areas with no area like “ground light on” gets parsed.
Office light is a valid entity (light.office_light) that has been type changed from a matter switch (switch.office_light)
Alexa works (through HA Cloud) using the same sentence.
I’ve completely removed all my custom intents and scripts…
The your problem in something else. Try doing a trace in the dev tools again.
Still, I’d avoid such a generic name for a light fixture, though it works. These sentences are matched by another group of templates for all the light in the Area. But the command for name has a higher priority, and you can’t use this simple form of sentences to turn on all the lights in a room.
But it’s up to you to decide how to use it
Also, there is always the option to hard-code a command with any name value in automation, it will always be executed with the highest priority.