HA Voice PE – Follow-up Mode, Re-engage Microphone

Really loving Voice PE so far. I’d like to suggest an improvement. The current flow is unintuitive for handling back and forth conversations since we need to use the wake word in between interactions with PE.

Simple approach: Give us an option which keeps the mic open for a couple of seconds after a response to listen for follow-up commands or questions.

More complex approach: The assist pipeline should be aware of its own intent when prompting another interaction from the user, for instance when asking a follow-up question.

Unless it is a basic command, like ‘Turn on the light’, the PE should open the mic back up for a few seconds after LLM responses when ‘Follow-up mode’ is active.

Yep 100% necessary. Follow up enabled let the mic open for a few seconds to continue the convo. Got my vote.

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