HA will not accept my much used login

I had recently modified my Home Assistant configuration to take advantage of SSL and specifically to OTA update ESPHome firmware. This update worked quite well. Then about two weeks ago I started seeing “Not Secure | HTTPs (lined through)” in front of my HA shortcut.

Clicking on this gave the following:

Your connection to this site is not secure

You should not enter any sensitive information on this

site (for example, passwords or credit cards), because

it could be stolen by attackers. Learn more

CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller X

Serial port

Certificate (Invalid)

Cookies (5 in use)

Site settings

Clicking on Certificate gives the following:

Certificate not valid

However, the certificate had been updated recently and appeared to valid.

I had set up SSL about a month ago and it seemed to be working okay at that time. Now I am not sure what went wrong or how to fix it.

Today (a few days later) I had to close HA because it had disconnected and was not able to reconnect. Upon restarting HA (in VirtualBox on Win 10) ,the startup log looked normal, but it would not accept the login that I have been using for a couple of years. So now I cannot restore the backup because I cannot get to the HA interface to do that.

Unless someone has an easy way to fix this, I will likely reinstall HA. Is it possible to restore the existing backup after a reinstall?

During onboarding you can choose to restore from a backup

Thanks for the suggestion, but it appears that I would have to use a beta version to use it. Ultimately, I decided to bite the bullet and do it the hard way. Doing so gave the the opportunity to review the configs required and to decide I could have done better than before, That is mostly true due to numerous posts about resolving the problems I had before.

I really believe that my new configurations are better thought out and will result in a better experience.
