Hi. Im new here.
I used HA on my RP3b+ since about year, have it installed on SD card. But after third or fourth SD card corrupted, I decided to move on SDD disk via USB.
I thought it will be pretty straightforward, the same as for SD card and it will boot after clean install of the image. but it is not (for me).
When I prepare image with new SSD with [balenaEtcher], I just plug in into USB port but the effect is:
So I need to copy bootcode.bin from the boot partition of the ssd on to the root of a sd card.
Shoul this SD card stay there as it is needed for each of reboot?
Simply, installed Raspbian which boots from SSD over USB like a charm. On top I have Dokcker with Hass.io.
All is working really ok. Performed multiple reboots without any issue.