HACS Wont Update!

I am trying to update from HACS 1.13.2 to 1.28.4. The update installs, and then tells me that I have to restart HA. After a restart, I am still at the old version of 1.13.2. What can I do to get an up to date HACS? What am I doing wrong?

I think I a going to delete the HACS integration and re-install it. If I uninstall the HACS integration, will all of the custom repositories that I installed be wiped out? Will have have to re-install all of them after I re-install HACS?

Well it turns out that my lovelace custom integrations stayed after I deleted the HACS integration and re-installed following their instructions. I think the key is, to NOT restart HACS after deleting the HACS integration like they suggest. After deleting the integration, and re-installing the latest version of 1.28.4, I can now add integrations which I could not add any before.

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@bwelle HACS not updating past past 1.15.2 · Issue #2553 · hacs/integration · GitHub

Appears there’s a compatability issue if you didn’t keep up with updates and you’re behind 1.15.2 and using HA core past 2022.3.x.

The given solution is to either do as bwelle suggests, downgrade your HA core instance to 2022.2 or before, upgrade HACS, then upgrade HA, or with a terminal run:

wget -O - https://get.hacs.xyz | bash -

To have the normal HACS installation script handle the upgrade without having to reinstall or downgrade anything. I had the same issue and saw your post first, then the github issue. Hope this helps people coming from Google in the future.


Thanks for explaining. This resolved my issue after struggeling a whole day. Much appreciated

I have the case when there is no more HACS row in the list of the integration updates, also the HACS card doesn’t have the ‘update’ button and the whole information page is empty…

I’m stuck on v1.33.0, with core v2024.3.3 and OS v12.1

what to do?

My HACS update from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 and 2.0.3 don’t work, several times.
Therefore I tried above 3/6_Dec2022 written hint:
Typed in terminal window: wget -O - https://get.hacs.xyz | bash -
this update works, thanks at @Trolan.

How do you run this command when running HA on Docker? I’m also stuck on HACS 2.0 and upgrade from HA GUI doesn’t help and I just ran the terminal command from the HA container but HA still says I have HACS 2.0
All files under homeassistant/config/custom_components/hacs are datestamped when I ran the command so something has happened.
Is there some file in HACS I can open to check the version?