HAOS File Location - ui-lovelace.yaml?

HA newbie here, currently running a HAOS VM under ESXi. I’m loving the potential of this platform but despising how hard it is to configure. So many forum and blog posts are out of date and provide misleading information, especially when so many of the capabilities and config steps depend on the flavour of HA being used. It’s certainly not a welcoming environment for newcomers.

I’m trying to setup a particular integration that requires me to add some custom components to Lovelace. I’ve installed them and at least one now wants me to add config lines to the file ui-lovelace.yaml.

I have literally just wasted two hours trying to find the damned file - some blog posts tell me it’s to be found in /home/homeassistant, but my /home/hassio folder is empty. Others told me to install Studio Code Server Editor, so I can browse the folder structures and edit YAML files - searching also fails to find the illusive ui-lovelace.yaml file.

So, in desperation, I’ve turned to the forum for help. Can someone PLEASE tell me where to find this bl00dy file?

Well, that’s a feature of the pace of change in HA. If you pick something that barely changes then it’s not such a problem :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s only valid for a pure Core install. For Home Assistant OS see this section of the docs.

Well, that only exists if you’re using YAML mode for your dashboard, which isn’t the default and hasn’t been for years.

Whatever you’re trying to do you can almost certainly do in the UI. If you link to the instructions we can help translate them for how HA works these days.

Thanks for the replies.

I decided to nuke my initial install and start again from scratch and so far all the addins and Lovelace components are working as intended.
