HAOS install on pc not booting

Hi everyone,
I tried to install HAOS on an Asus motherboard with an i3 processor. I followed the installation tutorial on the HA website but when the pc tries to boot from the hdd I am sent back to the bios settings without me touching anything.
I have tried various settings in the bios and multiple image installs without any luck. In the boot menu I can see the hdd labeled HAOS but if I select it I am sent back to the bios without any message.

What should I check? Did I do something wrong or should I blame it on hardware incompatibility?

So you have booted from the USB, and insatalled HAOS on the HDD? Did you change the boot settings back to “boot from HDD”?

There is on option “boot from hdd” in bios but i have set the order to boot first time on the HAOS hdd and removed all other drives. Is curios but when i click to select the HAOS hdd from boot menu it goes instantly to boot and then back to first BIOS page.