I run a unifi network, and have given the hubs static IPs, both hubs have a very strong wifi signal. The lounge hub has an automation attached to it. When the Hub is turned On, then a Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 is triggered. Along with the reverse being true when the hub is switched Off. The automation is in NodeRed, and the automation is set to only trigger once on State Change.
A couple of weeks back the motor that the Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 controls burnt out. I could hear the motor being repeatedly triggered. The whole setup has been installed for around 5 months, and I hadn’t seen/heard this before.
I was about to replace the motor when I checked the Logbook for the setup in the lounge. If you see the attached screenshot, the Harmony Hub is constantly flipping between “unavailable” and “off”. This is what is causing the automation to trigger, and ultimately why I think the motor burnt out. If I replace the motor now, this is going to happen again.
If you can’t get the hub stable, adjust the automation to only fire when the state changes from: ‘On’ to: ‘Off’ (and vice versa). Not sure about NodeRed(I’ve installed it but haven’t really gotten to know it yet), but this is easy in Home Assistant automation triggers. Then the unavailable states won’t affect anything. FWIW, I have 3 hubs and they don’t have frequent unavailability issues (in fact it’s very very rare for them to have any issue at all, and usually due to some other attributable network issue).
Thanks all. I think I have narrowed it down to the hub roaming off one AP to another, and back again. I’ve lowered the power output on the APs and the events have reduced (but not stopped). I have also modified my NodeRed configuration to use a “Trigger: State” node. This allows me to add constraints for the previous state, and new state. This means it’ll only trigger on a Off to On flow, or the reverse. I’ll watch it and see how it goes - thanks again.
@petro - if you are not using XMPP, how are you integrating the logitech harmony hub?